
By Angelique


Well because the sun was shining and bright, Phoebe and I decided to go for a walk. It was beautiful to see and feel the warmth on my face.

We'd decided to go and choose a few eggs down in the farm at Kingswood. And as you can see the sun was still shining and I could feel the warmth on my face.

So this is a blip of the edge of the village. Just after this shot a buzzard flew into the scene and by the time I turned the camera back on, he was gone.

Tonight, we didn't back from Milverton till till after midnight so very tired, and trying to keep awake.

Hope you have all enjoyed better weather today, but I believe its going to be bad tomorrow Thankyou for the kind comments yesterday.

Hope you all have a splendid weekend whatever the weather. Take care - hugs to you all.

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