Mummy on a Mission

By ECameron12309

Mummy Central

Very little opportunities for a credible Blip, and as it is supposed to be a photo journal, this is actually where I have been sat for a large percentage of the day....and still am ,hence large glass of vino blanco accompanying me to help me through the remainder of work, which has involved trawling through a lot of boxed files and paperwork.

If the day had gone as planned, I would be sat elsewhere with said vino, however I seem to have spent an inordinate amount of time on software issues, and failing miserably to unzip a file which seem to multiply like rabbits no matter what I did ( including following dear apple support!) However, to vent my frustration, I had a spot of retail therapy, a carb loaded meal and came back to mummy central and sorted it out.

If I ever get this finished, I will be heading straight to the duvet as I have an off road race tomorrow called "The LungBuster", which I am hoping mother nature and her hearty weather will be kind tomorrow morning.


PS Thank you Blip for sending me a reminder to actually Blip...I think I may have just forgot in all the excitement!

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