Mummy on a Mission

By ECameron12309

Good Morning Sunshine

Wasn't it nice to see some sunshine this morning and lovely clear blue skies.

As I was parking the van this morning at work I noticed how the sun was lighting up the churchyard which is opposite the school. It really looked beautiful as did the clock tower against the blue sky. So I whipped out the camera, and took a few shots, didn't really get what I was after as I still had my prime on, but Im reasonably pleased with this one as I liked the contrast between the dark overhanging trees and the sunlit path. However, in my quest to get a Blip not in the rain for once or indoors, I had a group of children waiting patiently for me, for their next instalment of Eco wonder.

Mr C has taken the munchkins up to Yorkshire to see their grandparents this weekend so it was nice to get out for a quick 5 mile run after work before the light retreated... my new trainers are now officially muddy.

The house is very quiet without them, but Im looking forward to cracking on with a million jobs I need to accomplish this weekend and a tough 9 mile off road race on Sunday morning. Lets hope the weather is kind!


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