Went to Dunster today after the village Breakfast, which was amazing.  Still feeling fat!!

There was a "Wedding Fayre" going on at the Luttrell Arms so I had to check it out!!   I was offered loads of free chocolates - but declined.  Saw amazing wedding dresses - but declined (too old anyway) and incredible wedding shoes.  It was all there.  But outside was this amazing car.
It is a Lincoln 1928 - 6ltre straight 8 cylinder.  Made for the Australian market so it's right hand drive. and bought 15 years ago as a total wreck. Now lovingly restored and used for special occasions. The chauffeur started the engine and wow was it loud.  Wouldn't like to pay the fuel cost!!

This afternoon worked on my stained glass project and cut my thumb again - ouch.  But tonight Mr A is watching "12 year's a Slave."  Had to come away as it was too upsetting.

Hope today has been good for you all. Sending love xxx

I didn't blip the chocolates so as not to  tempt you female blippers struggling to keep to diets. 

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