The expected sad phone call came early this morning. Gran died, peacefully, in her sleep just after midnight, after several hours chatting with her two kids and my sister. We're all still pretty raw and numb. Telling the kids was hard. But not as hard as Dad and my Aunt having to go to the hospital to sort everything out there.
Though we are scattered across England and Scotland tonight, we'll all raise a glass of malt at 9pm to Gran. She'd have approved of that.
Today, perhaps appropriately, we have the fifth Proclaimers song: Sean. Written by Charlie Reid after the birth of his first son, Sean. It's strangely beautiful, and speaks of the heritage of humanity that runs through us. Or just of Elvis, depending on your mood.
You can hear it here - I couldn't find a non-live version.
Sean I'd say the best one came from Tupelo, Mississippi
I'll tell you now that grown men cry and Irish girls are pretty
Though fear and hurt and care can lead me to despair
I saw why I'm here the morning you appeared
Sean, I sat awhile on clouds to ask God if he's living
I should have spent some time on knees in thanks for what he's given
From Parents smart and strong to both of us passed on
From Kings is where you come, through daughters and through sons
Sean I'd say the best one came from Tupelo, Mississippi
I'll tell you now grown men cry and Irish girls are pretty
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