Vive la Vie

By gillybxl

The show

The Pre School did a little singing show for parents today. They've been going to the Theatre to rehearse for a couple of weeks now and Dex was super excited that both his Mummy and Daddy were going to come and watch.
I was a little unsure as to how he would react when he saw me as he's still very much a Mummy's boy and still finds it difficult to say goodbye to me in the morning. However I can honestly say that he was amazing and so well behaved and after a big cuddle and kiss he went back to take his place on the stage. He didn't show any signs of nerves or shyness as the Theatre filled with parents and all the Kindergarten, Grade 1 and Grade 2 classes who had come to watch, including his big sister who was just as excited to see him on the stage as us.
He sang and danced his little heart out remembering all the actions and always with a great big smile on his face.
We were so so proud of you today Dexter, x

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