Vive la Vie

By gillybxl

My name's not Olivia!

Me: Hi Olivia, how was your day at school? Ooh what have you got on your face?

Olivia: They're cutie marks and my name's not Olivia anymore. It's Scoota-Loo.

Me: Oh...okay.

Olivia: There's just one problem though. I don't know how to spell my name.

It seems that Olivia has formed a 'Cutie Mark' Club during choice time. Most of the class have asked to be in it and she designs cutie marks for them to wear on their faces and gives them names. I'd love to be a fly on the wall in her class!

According to Wikia: The My Little Pony franchise is famous for cutie marks, unique picture-like symbols located on the ponies' flanks or haunches. The term is a play on "beauty mark", and is reminiscent of quarter marks. The mark itself is positioned where livestock branding is usually performed. Cutie marks are often related to the personality, proclivity, or talent of the character.

Just incase you were wondering!

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