
It's been a proper winters day here; chilly but bright and sunny. A real pleasure to be out in. Managed a run in the morning and came home with dry feet, first time in ages. Even got some washing hung out!

Invoicing done and we received the fastest payment ever for one of them. I emailed the invoice and pretty much by return was a reply saying 'paid and should be in your account now'. It was! A few others could do with following that example......

Some simple fairy cakes made; half are gluten free. The butterfly cakes are 'normal' and the iced ones are gf; difficult to tell them apart otherwise :-)

L was back to school today and lasted all day. He even managed to stay for assisted study after which, with his prelims starting next week, is a relief. Since I had to collect him anyway it was a good chance for the boys to get a fish and chip dinner.

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