Hamburger Bahnhof

Another fantastic day today (although is there really any other kind of day on Study visits to berlin). We were up early to head down to Transmediale, however transport issues meant that we missed the guided tour. We still managed a good long while exploring the exhibitions and taking in the atmosphere. We managed to catch the FuturePast discussion too which was pretty interesting.

After a good long time there, and only the first of many visits this week, we headed up to the equally inspirational Hamburger Bahnhof Gallery. Although it's my third time there it never fails to impress, and once again I felt like I could have stayed much longer. We also got a bit of time in the bookshop there where I made the worrying discovery that they can ship up to 20 kilos of books to the uk for only seven euros.... Thankfully I was still reasonably restrained.

After that it was into Dada falafel for a fairly sizable mixed plate with falafel, halloumi, fried aubergine and loads of other good stuff. Settling in for a quiet evening tonight though I think.

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