
We had a full day at Transmediale today. We saw a decent bit of what was there to be seen. Lots of the exhibition pieces, a talk by the four authors who had been asked to do a book sprint project to write a 12,000 word piece on computationality and the new aesthetic for the festival programme and some other bits and pieces.

We spent a while in this exhibition which was an artistic response to Matthew Fuller and Andrew Goffey's book Evil Media. The exhibition featured on ambiguous but ubiquitous and pervasive technologies and media systems. Later we attended a talk by Fuller and Goffey on Evil media. It related more to the book than to teh exhibition and since I haven't read the book yet bits of it were beyond me. I'm keen to read the book now though.

We ended up leaving at about six and heading back to the hotel via a falafel place. Off out now for another gig at Berghain. It's Pan records this time which I'm quite excited about seeing.

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