I see you...

Get a closer look at Black Beauty's Cutie's tail.

I'm still at my parents house... we stretched the weekend out a day longer. The roads looked iffy and it was snowing pretty hard for at least the first half of the day, so I opted to wait to travel until Monday. Hopefully the snow plows will be out doing a good job on a week day for all the people heading to work (on a Sunday, it's not that reliable up north near our home). I'm certainly not complaining, we've been having a wonderful time, though I do miss Hubs and the pups! I haven't seen Hubs since Wednesday morning, as he was on the road for work just before I came here. We actually passed each other on the highway (he saw me, but I missed him). :(

I woke up early as the sun was coming up and made my way to the kitchen. Outside in the backyard, the squirrels were all ready coming to the edge of the woods. Several were waiting in the trees watching the house. I went to the window to get a closer look and one of them spotted me. He hopped down and scampered to the back steps. I couldn't resist that cute little face and tossed out a dozen peanuts to start the morning's festivities. Word got out quickly and the squirrel community ascended upon the yard. It was fun to watch from the second floor window I had moved to for a better view. They bounded and leapt through the snow from the north, south and westerly directions all at the same time. One would have thought I had rung a dinner breakfast bell.

On Flickr I posted my two favorite bird shots: a male cardinal and a female junco. Two birds I won't be seeing much of after I head home tomorrow.

My apologies for my sparse commenting as of late... I'm apparently not very good at juggling a visit along with blipping. I will try to catch up tonight and tomorrow. Thank you for stopping by, it's very much appreciated. :)

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