
I captured my first female cardinal! :))) A long time goal and I'm fairly tickled with the results. She's quite pretty in large as well.

This morning started off looking like a blizzard and my expectations for a bird blip weren't very high. Though, as we ate breakfast, the sky brightened and so did my hope for a shot at the birds. Before long the snow was done and it was light (not really sunny, but bright) enough for me to set up the camera near the hoppin' birdie hot spot. I happened to catch a shot of one in-flight, then a second one and a third... I fiddled with the settings and found an optimum combination for the light and action and continued to catch many birds doing their crazy air thing! I posted a Flickr Flight Set to show you what I managed to capture today. With a little more sun I would have been ecstatic over them, but as it was I am still very happy... I've never had the kind of luck I did today with in-flight attempts. :) What a morning...

If you have time, check out the adorable Chicken Chick Impersonator. ;) This little goldfinch looked as soft and sweet as a tiny chicken chick... And I just happen to love to say that... Chicken Chick...

My mom and I went over to a river for her to get her blip today. The ducks were happy to see us and our birdseed. She got some wonderful shots and we had a great time!

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