Different backyard birds...

... At least different from what I am used to. I rarely see juncos and I'm certainly not used to seeing cardinals at all. For most of the morning, these were the two types of birds mobbing the feeders here at my parents house. I clicked away from a open window, staying protected from the bitter wind. (Dear Mom and Dad ~ Please accept my apologies for that high heating bill next month...) :)

We tried to go out to photograph for a while near Michigan State University, but quickly gave up and ducked into a shop for a little browsing instead... It was just too cold to be out any longer than you had to be. The windchill was around -20(F) degrees, with steady 30 mph winds and wind gusts upwards of 40 mph. Burrrrrrrr doesn't really cover it. ;)

I got a report from Hubs that we now have more than a foot of new snow back home, all coming down in one day. (Pretty soon we are going to run out of places to shovel this stuff!) He also told me that his attempt to drive to town was aborted after seeing five different 4+ car accidents along the way. Hearing this from a man who will drive through anything, I can only imagine how bad the weather and roads must have been.

Other than this crazy weather, my parents and I are having a wonderful time together! The big plans this evening are to stay cozy inside and listen to the wind whipping through the trees. :)

Happy weekend everyone!

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