A Shy Look

Normally, I opt for the image that doesn't have the feeder in it, but this red-bellied woodpecker's expression won me over today. Even sweeter in large.

I woke up to a lovely scene as the sun came over the trees leaving beautiful long shadow over the frozen lake. I tried to capture it, but wasn't happy with any of the shots. I guess I haven't mastered the into-the-sun shot... Well, not directly into the sun, but including the sun in the sky. Could it be that I should be using a ND filter? I think I need to do some research on landscape photography and this sun stuff...

Fortunately, the birds were a plenty this morning. I captured a few first thing and it's lucky I did. I had plans to drive down to my folks for the weekend, leaving tomorrow, but after studying the weather I decided to leave today. My list of things to do before I left was longer than I had time for, but I squeezed in what I could and am happy to have arrived down here before the foul weather started.

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