Red Barn

Woke up to 2(F) degrees this morning. Burrrrrr. Then, on my drive into town today, I got caught in a blizzard! Whiteout conditions and white knuckle driving had me crawling along and my heart pounding. I lost the car in front of me a few times... hate when that happens... 'Tis winter I guess. ;)

I checked on the hawk and it seems that the trapped female made it out on her own. They checked on it later yesterday evening and she was gone. I felt much better after that news. :)

On my way home from town and some errands, I pulled over a few times to capture snowy scenes. This barn ended up being my favorite of the bunch. By the time I got to the barn, the snow had calmed down enough that I could open my window to get the image without getting blasted. :) (This turned out much better than the through- the-windshield shots, dodging the windshield wipers.) Go figure!

More snow in large.

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