Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The things that matter

When this hapless coalition government re-organised the NHS in the most destructive way possible it sent thousands of hard working people into a maelstrom of change from which some emerged unscathed, some landed battered and bruised, and some disappeared into oblivion. Amidst all this there were a few who retired after decades of service but had no parties or farewells in a meaningful sense. And so it was that when my friend here Mr S retired, it went almost unnoticed, despite 41 years of service; and some of us thought he deserved better and threw a party for him.

So a good time was had by all and we had food and drink and speeches and music and laughter, and people got to say goodbye, good luck and thank you, which is as it should be: for these are the things that matter...

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