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Hi Tom

Goodness it was freezing again this morning plus it was foggy too. Not a great combination. Although it did turn out to be a really bright day even though cold.

The dogs had a good romp about today. It was quite funny when they were in the back garden as Dolly wanted to join in. Poor thing all that happened was she got chased off by Oscar. He's so naughty.

I found the dogs escape route into the field. I think we will get it fenced off to stop them. Oscar disappeared into the field with a packet of cat food! He took it off the top of the cat house and ran off with it. Well you know what he's like the more you chase him the further he will run....so well trained.

Maisie was the good girl today so she has appeared on blip with poor Dolly who was chased...Oscar is in disgrace.

I only had one class to teach today so that was a result. I was pleased as all but one can jump in deep water and swim across the deepend. As they are special needs some get a bee in their bonnet about things like that, but I talked them around and in they went. I was thrilled with them.

I have found a squat challenge to do....100 squats a day. It's 10 x 10 various squats. I'm going to see how many days I can keep it going for, on top of the other things I do.

I have posted your posters off today. £7.20. Goodness knows how much it will cost to send your trousers, top and chocolate over.

Off to Zumba tonight...hopefully I'll warm up as I've been cold all day.

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