Muddy Bonkers!

Hi Tom

So far this morning I've been to early morning bootcamp in the pouring rain again. I came home and did my 100 squat challenge.

I then had coffee and a catch up with my friends. Poor Janet turned up on crutches. Her foot is so swollen and looks very painful. She can't drive so was collected by Carol. It looks like she will have to have an op on it.

I then went to my other bootcamp at lunchtime. Only the four of us today. It was so muddy again....don't we all look lovely. It was so hard. I swear the instructors are on a mission to get us as muddy as possible. It was great fun though. After Bootcamp No. 2 I went for a run with Sidney. Really tired now. I'm thinking of entering a muddy obstacle event.....just not sure which one yet. There are quite a few about.

Came home and it took ages trying to get the mud out of my clothes and off me. My hair was caked in it.

Anyway now I'm cleaned up and the washing is on the go. Tidying up and hoovering done.

I have a choice to make ....either I cook....or we go out and eat tonight...mmmm can't make my mind up. One things for sure......I will need an early night.

* well that choice has been made for me.....Maisie has taken the chicken I was defrosting for tea tonight and eaten the whole lot. It can't be Oscar as he can't reach. I hope she shared.....out for dinner it is then. I had better get ready.

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