
By MamaOfBoys

Brotherly love

What a relaxing day.

The boys were tired from the heat yesterday and because it cooled over night they slept in this morning.

At one point during the day I got down on the floor to play with Harper, without asking Marley he got Harpers toy box and came sat down next to him and started playing with him, at one point he startled Harper a bit so he immediately apologised and kissed him on the head. This is the most interactive he's been with baby. It's so heartwarming to see. I think he now sees Harper as a friend rather than someone to be afraid of, for the first few months Mar wouldn't even acknowledge Harper but now he's alert, moving around and interesting Mar is more interested.

Kanye still isn't quite right so we stayed in today, I got the boys some dvds and they were happy to watch them, they loved ratatouille and finding Nemo.

Started raining before, love when it rains at night.

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