
By MamaOfBoys

Running around

I did a lot of it today, but ahh so good to get things done.

Andre's head ached badly this morning so he stayed home from work.

The kids came back around 10, poor Kanye had a bad night of seizures and was a bit moody but we set up the little couch like a bed and swung it around in front of the tv so he could lie and watch the wiggles.

While he was lying down and the husband lay on the big couch also watching the wiggles, i went out.

I took this pic as  we went to the dump to get rid of some things after sorting through the garage yesterday, Mar was totally captured by this huge front loader going back and forth not missing a beat. 

After that i went to get Marley's stationary for school as well as new lunch box and a few pieces of uniform that he needed after growing out of his last lot, luckily it had come down in price since i last bought some.

 Both Harper and Mar needed new shoes- i can see with 3 boys i'll be doing this often, their feet grow quickly! i feel like very time i get them new shoes i have to get the next size, Harper has gone up 2 sizes since November. Whats the deal? Maybe i should learn how to make shoes if i'm going to have to keep this up!!

I then stopped at house of travel on my way home and booked sea 
world !!!

It was the last on my list to do and i was going to  do it myself online but my travel agent was so great last time when she got me a great deal i thought i'll see her again and let her work her magic- which she did of course!!

I was able to secure a booking for Kanye to have a one on one session swimming with a dolphin. except he cant swim so its sort of playing in the water with a dolphin but that's still just as great, they said the trainer assesses kanye when we arrive to adjust the program ie. how far they go in, what the dolphin will do etc. They need a carer to go in too so Andre will be going in, he was pretty excited when i told him. I figured hes, taller and stronger with a super calm nature plus the other babes will be more relaxed with me.

They'll film it for us and we get a dvd to take home which i will no doubt cry my eyes out over as i was already emotional booking it, thinking of them in the water with a dolphin! No mascara to be worn by me - dont need to look like the joker with my make up running on dvd!

I spent the afternoon sorting out what buses we need to catch when we are in aus to which destinations and the times etc, pretty tedious stuff but i'd rather know how to get around than be a totally helpless tourist, i'm like that- i plan; it relaxes me. 

The boys spent a lot of the afternoon watching brum- they watched it at mums for the first time and they love it, its pretty cool actually as i used to watch it when i was little... ahh the memories.

The head contractor for the paving that's yet to be done in our courtyard arrived today, he said they'll rip up everything we have now and just pour new concrete down.

He said it'll be 2 weeks and pretty disruptive with the noise etc.

 2 weeks i cant go outside, cant hang washing!! how will i keep the boys form going out there??? i foresee little footprints in new concrete. Better brush up on my concrete smoothing skills while i'm at it..

They start Monday hopefully and i have to move everything that's in the yard elsewhere, luckily i had thought it would be soon so yesterday sorted the garage and took trampoline down so just need to re-pot my plants and move the guinea pigs which i think i'll put in the garage or inside if it winds up being really noisy- thank you double glazing for making inside quiet!

Really looking forward to our trip now everything is sorted- not looking forward to the sale of our flat but  fingers crossed we get to stay on especially with a new fancy yard for my boys to play in!

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