
At Dysart again today over lunchtime.

The weather was dry, so best to take advantage. Much colder and with a dampness in the air compared with yesterday. A bit of breeze to0 - just enough to cut right through the 4 layers I was wearing.

Lots of thinking to be done. I'm house hunting. I've been in this house for just over 14 years, so it has a lot of emotional attachment. But 4 bedrooms is way to big. I love the garden, but it's a lot of work and puts pressure on me with being away in Bavaria so often.

Anyway. Time stands still...

Ah yes, the Blip. I walked as far as the end of the pier being curious to see the two blokes fishing at this time of year and in such low temperatures. Sea bass? Mackerel?

Too cold out there to hang around to chat! They were blue.

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