4years 84days

.... Metres that is. How far she swam in the big pool unaided that is. 6 full lengths of the pool. After 100m in the learner pool. One of the lifeguards used to stand in during her baby classes. She was watching today and gave her a clap when she finished the first length. Couldn't quite believe she swam back from it, then just sat with jaw hanging as Katie got to the end and asked to do it again, and again. 2 really solid back stroke lengths, a good front crawl, some mix of front crawl/doggy paddle/stubborn will to keep going for the rest. To say she was unsure about the big pool, now she's flying. She still needs to get herself right at ease so her learner pool technique translates fully to the big pool but I can't believe the difference in two weeks alone, in her stamina and her technique. In the little pool, her breast stroke has really come on the past week, she's got some strength to the leg action now and is really proud of it.

We did a little run of the local shops on the way back, the bakery, the green grocers and the newsagent. I felt all 1950s! I decided as we headed for the bakery that we should have a day both together. And Katie agreed when I gave her the choice "its good when we are together, mama" she said. We ate lunch, I did a little work. She asked to do some pages of her writing book- which turned into 10. We tidied her playroom and bedroom. She played some more. It was nearly teatime!

I do love some of the perks of being self employed sometimes. Being able to work very hard in the evenings so that I can have extra day time with my girl. It makes my heart so warm to have her with me. I don't realise how much I miss her sometimes, when it gets busy. Today we were glad to just slow, be together and cuddle whenever either of us felt the need.

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