Look Who's Back!!!

3years 84days

So Katie is amazing, we knew that. But really, she's very amazing. Fabulous. She spent two hours yesterday afternoon swimming, jumping in the wave machine and having a brilliant time. She had a happy time at Victoria's and fell asleep watching a film about 8.30. She then proceeded to sleep until 5am. At which point she woke up, insistant that she wanted me, woke Jaden up who came in to reassure her - she realised where she was, had a huff and a scowl, before rolling over and going back to sleep until 8am. When she woke up a happy girl.

They played at Victoria's house for the morning - Katie helped bath their tortoise Yoda, before Jasmine helped bath Katie. They went to a soft play centre - where Katie took a brief nap in the middle of a screaming, shouty party of girls. It was then time for the best bit (of my day at least): they came to meet ME! I got a gorgeous kiss and a cuddle and she held my hand the whole way home in Victoria's car.

Since we came home, she's told me she loves me 4 times. She had very long snuggles on the sofa, and when I'm not on it, she's run up to me saying "Mummy, I need a cuddle". And she's eaten a huge plate of fish pie.

I'm so grateful to have my little girl to come home to.

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