a town called E.

By Eej

Me-Monday 1

It was a bit worrying how easily my body adapted to a life indoors. With the Beloved being off, our resident Polar Vortex and 30 inches of snow there was very little incentive for me to be outside, nor would it have been smart. I didn't even to cycle to work. Sure, I continued with Zumba, danced around the house with weights and tried not to bake a cake every day, and really, I did good. The clothes that fit me still fit. The ones that don't still don't.
But instead of going on the treadmill (which I think is the most boring thing in the history of the world) I'd snuggle under a blanket with kitties on top and drink hot chocolate.
Part of me knew it was a temporary thing. Part of me worried.

Today was a lovely day. I cycled. It was sunny and even almost warm out, with 46F/8C, and on the way home I felt this odd sudden urge. I wanted to go for a run. Outside.

And I did. The roads and sidewalks are still icy and slippery and I didn't stay out long, but I ran. And I realised that the changes I made last year are not going anywhere. They are a part of me. That is a pretty good feeling :)

Me-Monday is my challenge for 2014. I still have quite a way to go health/weight wise and I think I can document this better by Blipping myself regularly.

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