bucks life

By bucksmiss


I slept well last night. When I awoke I stayed abed messing about with photo apps online and singularly failed to get to church, which by the way, is 300 yards from my front door. I blame blip and the interweb entirely...

I had a free weekend and on Saturday morning announced as such on Facebook. Within 5 minutes, I'd had an invitation to visit my second cousin in Witney for a roast lunch today, so off I went. How good is that. The interweb is a marvellous thing ...

I ran out of daylight what with having to go to Witney and all so my blip photo today is of my sister's front door, after dark and enhanced by filters somewhat to improve it enough for online. I popped in to see her but, of course, it was mainly baby Teddy I wanted to see. (She knows it too!) He was looking all cute and properly baby-like in a pure white babygro and having his bottle. Aaaah....I could eat him all up.

Continued with the second series of Breaking Bad tonight. Mad, slow, weird but oddly compelling even though there's only one character I even vaguely warm to....

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