Farewell glowing ball

Until tomorrow.

Beautiful mild temperatures and humidity yay...feels good to have damp air to breathe :0)
Busy day...my 2 smallest boys helped me empty the attic so the spray foam guys can come and, well, spray foam I suppose.
Cleaned the house a bit...not that you could really tell LOL
I cleaned the guinea pig and rat, both of which were well overdue and rearranged ratty's cage to keep life interesting.
Then scraped old paint off an old door that I'm hoping will become a cool, boho-ish headboard. I should have blipped that, maybe tomorrow.
Sweet girl insisted I go outside to see the cool sunset, which was very beautiful. Was in a bit of a giant hurry so not a great shot at all I'm afraid, but take my word for it, it was lovelier in real life ;0)
No2 son had a friend over all afternoon, and they have stretched the play date into a sleepover so they, and little man are all camped out in the living room watching minecraft videos on you tube :0)

Happy Weekend!

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