Excuse me...

...I was sitting here before you came along with your freeway!

when I first started blipping I blipped the bottom half of this church and Ive always planned on getting the top too, but it's a bit tricky as there's nowhere to stop on the overpass and you can't walk up onto it. Today I employed no.1 son to snap the pic for me as we drove by, he did pretty good from the wrong side of the car with me yelling "quick, take a pic! I can't slow down here!"

Here's a link to the bottom of the church Aug 9, 2012

A nice cloudy, almost drizzly day today...you could feel moisture in the air, which was great! The dryness here sucks the life out of you. They said it might rain tonight, the bagger at the grocery store and I agreed we'd believe it when we see it LOL

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