
By intothehills


I've never really been one of those blokes that tick lists - I also think the 'been there, done that' type attitude is quite sad. In 2013 I walked Striding Edge over 20 times - and each time was different thanks to the company, the weather or just how I was feeling on the day.
But when I was getting ready for my Mountain Leader assessment I knew I needed to get myself to some different places - off the hills I know so well - basically outside of my comfort zone. In doing so I found that I could use one of the most famous outdoorsy lists of them all to drag me away from my usual haunts - and so I finished the Wainwright's & my first list had crept upon me.
I now find myself in the same position as I approach Winter Mountain Leader - and again I've found that there's a lot of fun to be had from the biggest (UK) list of them all - the Munro's. So far I've probably ticked the 50 or so that most people find easiest (or realistically most accessible) and I'm fortunate that a few trips to the far North have added another 50 and reduced the need for truly epic drives - but now it's into the new area's if I'm to continue. Exciting.

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