
By intothehills

A success story

Today's an office day - it doesn't happen often but sometimes it just has to be done - flights to be booked, clients to confirm - its all gotta happen sometime.
I'd not really thought about these sort of days when I started this journal - there are going to be the odd days when you've just got to go looking for a photo opportunity.
Fortunately however my office days seem to involve a lot of staring out of the window (processing time) - and as I was today who happened to be in the tree by my office but this little chap* We live in a wood and over the last few years the red squirrels have made a steady and impressive comeback. I'm old enough to remember when they were an exceptionally rare sight & conservationists thought that we'd lose them all together but thanks to better woodland management (& a lot of 'control' of the grey population) that doesn't seem to be the case any more.
We've now got at least three running around the gardens & woods - so hopefully they'll breed and continue their success story.

* or indeed lass.

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