Emergency (Blip)

Despite a meeting full of blipping possibilities with the excellent fennerpearson I knew that I was out with my Mountain Rescue Team in the evening & that should lead to some exciting blip opportunities.
However the weather conditions had other ideas - and whilst the evening was certainly exciting, blip was the last thing on my mind - staying stood upright was challenge enough. When we arrived at the muster point it took two of us to shut the landrover door - and then the weather really got worse!
A successful exercise - 'casualties' located, diagnosed, treated and carried out in superfast time - and non of us went hypothermic either.
Returning to where our driver had left mobile 3* - hmmm- glad I'm not on the driving team - sunk up to the rear axle  - fortunately all the mobiles have winches & he was soon dragged free so we could head to the wonderful highest pub in Britain for a free MRT supper!

*The scant shelter offered by the stranded vehicle let me snap my first contender for worst picture of the year!

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