
By briocarioca


Something of a desperation blip - haven't been out of the house since gym and the market this morning (when I forgot to take camera or mobile), and attempts to get a decent shot of the black cat failed dismally, as usual.

Sad but not unexpected news in the market - Dona Fernanda, our courageous, intelligent and altogether lovable veg seller, died at Christmas, after months of suffering. Was near tears giving my condolences to her husband, Sr. Antonio, who is doing his best to carry on with the stall without her. They merit admiration. Portuguese immigrants who have worked in the market all their lives, one of their children is a doctor in a good hospital, married to another doctor, and I believe their daughter is a lawyer.

Buying salad was altogether more cheerful - Thiago and his father have attracted a considerable following, Thiago with his youth, charm and good looks, his father, who lacks the youth and the good looks, by his 'simpatia'. They've even had to enlist a helper to cope with all the ladies who flock to the stall, and have found one who's equally friendly and helpful.

The heatwave continues, perhaps slightly less intense, but working in an airconditioned room is altogether easier.

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