
By hildasrose

Not a domestic Goddess

The halo has slipped drastically! As you can see, I failed to order a suitable amount of tomatoes to last over Christmas so we had a glut just sitting in the fridge. So, I thought we could wait for the newly ordered soup maker to arrive so it could have a good run out. If only things were so simple! Confession time - I forgot to press the confirm order button on the soup maker order so when I checked on arrival date for the order this morning, there was no order!

Enter super handyman husband with saucepan and blender. Excellent tomato soup ensued complete with some to put in the freezer. Lovely!

On another issue entirely, we went to see "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" this afternoon. After enduring 30 minutes of adverts and trailers the film started and rather against my better judgement I really enjoyed it. A strange little film but I came out feeling good.

Diet not too bad today - big bowl of fruit salad to finish off with this evening.

Take care out there in the wild stormy stuff tomorrow and Monday.

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