
7.2C and dull with a dry morning and a wet afternoon. Light breeze.

Maeve the Deerhound and I went through to Arbroath and had our walk round the harbour about 9 this morning. All the boats, except the usual little one, were in the inner basin. The tide was out so the lock gate to the outer basin was closed. Most of the shots were looking down onto the boats. I quite liked this one with big rivets round the wheelhouse windows.

On the way home we went to the Vets to pick up more medicine for Maeve which I had phoned and asked for yesterday. We have decided to keep her on the anti inflammatory suspension for a while as she seems to be much better on it than when we tried to phase it out. We now have a very large bottle which was much better value. No NHS for dogs !
I will ask the Vet to assess any stiffness in Maeve's neck when she goes for her booster vaccinations at the end of the month.

We had planned to go down to the shore after lunch to see if there had been any damage from the very high tides but the rain was on by then and we were feeling lazy :-)

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