A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Thursday 2nd January

Back in the 'burgh :)

After a wonderful week and a half at home the time had come to make the return journey north. Having delayed it by a couple of days I now felt much more ready to leave than earlier in the week, although it was by no means easy!

A slightly less early start for this journey. The first train was fairly busy and rather cramped, however my train from Wolverhampton to Edinburgh was much quieter. With Mary Berry's autobiography to hand and food supplied by mum it was a rather enjoyable journey :)

Usually by the time I reach the Lake District the anticipation for arriving in Edinburgh settles in to balance out any feelings related to leaving home. However, my absolute least favourite part of this journey has always been arriving in Edinburgh to an empty station platform. It was a real joy, then, when I stepped out of the lift at Waverley to be greeted by a friendly face - thank you Peter! Although rather strange to not also have Ruth's company as we had a brief catch-up over hot drinks in Nero.

Back to my flat to drop by bags, a grocery trip to Sainsbury's and finally back in the flat again for an evening of unpacking my suitcase and uploading my photos.

I had first been inspired to do a "blessings jar" by the lovely Erin last year, however never did get round to starting one. Then the idea had popped up on Pinterest recently and I decided that I would get one going for 2014. So this was my mini craft project this evening :) All set and ready for a few little blessings from the past couple of days to get it started. I'm hoping this might be a start towards fending away a tendency to grumble!

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