Not So Many People

8.0C with a bright sunny morning clouding over in the afternoon. Breezy.

Apothecary7, Maeve the Deerhound and I went to St Andrews. We took advantage of the dry sunny morning and walked out along the West Sands towards the Eden estuary. There weren't as many people on the beach as there were on Boxing Day.

Maeve was off her lead and from time to time rushed off to meet other dogs. A pleasant surprise for us all today was to meet another Deerhound. The two trundled around for a minute or two. There were circles at a walk and at a slow trot, but they didn't break into a run which was a shame. That would have been a sight to see.

When we got back to the car park Maeve stayed in the car so we could head up to town for some lunch and look for a calendar in the Waterstones sale ... such excitement :-)

After lunch we went back to the car, collected Maeve, and had another walk round town before heading home.

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