New Year with Old Friends

4years 71days

We have spent our New Year's Evening with "old" friends. Friends we made through Katie's first nursery. It was a really fabulous time. Theyre a very genuine, fun and welcoming bunch and Katie loves the various children. A friendship has blossomed between one of the girls who is a bit older than Katie and was never in the same room as her, but they see each other weekly in the swimming pool now, and Flora was there tonight. One of the bigger sisters of a friend of Katie's took a shine to Katie too, and there was fun with her little friends Livvie, Eva and Nicole. A special evening. Katie is cuddled up beside me asleep now though.

2013 has been quite a year for my girl. She is the big girl at nursery in her final year. She has travelled across the globe. She has taken three dancing exams. She has performed in 2 dancing shows and 2 nativities. She has swum full 25m on her front and back several times in the big pool. She learnt to ride a bike. She saw her Great Grandad. She had her first school visit. She had her first (and only to date) sleepover without Mummy. She has learnt to write her letters. From Mummy's point of view, I have opened my first studio. I have opened my second studio. I have shot over 100 different clients. I have done my university finals. I have learnt to sew pretty things. But more importantly, I've taken my daughter to the other side of the world, I've sat beside her at West End musicals, I've cheered and clapped her as she beams on stage, I've held her bike and let go when I knew she was ready. I've laughed SO much as her cheeky sense of humour has developed. I'm proud of what I've done this year. But not half as proud as I am of what Katie and I have done this year.

Here's to 2014. Bring. It. On.

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