Ready to Party

3years 71days

Katie's spent the day at nursery - although it was a very short day. We were a bit late getting up, later still leaving, and she's come home early so that we can get ready to go to a PARTY! Friends from her first nursery are throwing a family party over teatime, so we are heading there. We are celebrating the New Year with them, but leaving before the actual event, probably having a snuggle together in bed as we have done all previous years.

2012 has been an incredible year. Our share of stresses, but our lasting memory of 2012 is one full of adventures. The highlights of our year have included theatre visits, dance shows, holidays with friends, days out. Perhaps most memorable of all were the adventures around the London 2012 Olympics that turned our summer into a magical and special time. I've been hugely proud of all that she has achieved this year. She's grown from a toddler into a little girl in the past 12 months. New friends, new nursery, new activities, new house, new town, new places, all of which she's thrown herself into with little hesitation and always a smile. We've skated, danced, climbed, bounced, partyed, sang, sailed, swam, ran, laughed and loved.

So here's to 2013 - it's already promising to bring exciting things. Mummy's first studio. Katie's final preschool year. Adventures already in the planning - mountains, train rides, camping, road trips and more. I hope 2013 brings love, joy and times with those you love to all our very precious friends (and family) on blip.

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