Happy Christmas

4years 65days

A wonderful day!! Katie woke at 5.30 am. It took her over half an hour to think about Santa and even then was more excited about seeing whether he and Rudolph had consumed their Christmas offerings. We had leisurely baths, read a couple of books, returned to the customary jammies and made hot drinks to deliver to the people less keen to be wakened. We managed to string it out until 7am.

She had a fabulous time opening presents of course. I was pleased with how excited she was with each and that she paid attention to the other people opening presents too, paying close attention to making sure the turn-taking continued in its proper fashion! She found what was meant to be her last present quite early on. Father Christmas had put a pink bike lock into her sack with instructions to go hunting for the relevant item for it! Hiding under the dining table in a huge giant bag with massive bows was her much longed for new bike. Her reaction was sooo wonderful. She was utterly delighted. She kept returning to it to give it kisses.

The church service was delightful, particularly for her. She was very keen to light one of the advent candles. She also wanted to go show her new umbrella at the sharing time. She went to the front with the other children to listen to the story. And sang enthusiastically to several of the carols, even the ones she didnt especially know.

After church we headed to Peasholm Park to give her chance to ride her bike. Its been a few months since she had ridden and she had rather lost her confidence. She didnt want to be where strangers could watch her and a few other specific requirements. We ended up with her going up and down grandad's hall way for a while! She adores it though so I suspect it will all fall in to place when we return home.

She had a little play with her new marble run before it came quite clear she was today in need of a sleep. I expected a half hour nap, but after 2 hours I really struggled to wake her. She missed the starter of Christmas lunch but I managed to stir her for crackers and the main course. It was the Yorkshire puds that took her fancy. She ate 6. Marble run was the entertainment following dinner too along with a play with her new doll's highchair (which had come from Australia with us!).

Late afternoon we headed down to my aunt's house for the usual festive chaos. Katie had an absolute ball. Presents of course (mental with 16 people in one room!). She played with my cousin's little girl for a long time in the kids' bedroom before the games began. She loved playing bingo. We were very close to winning in fact. She liked the annual 12 days of Christmas performance. She was incredibly excited to have a sleepover with Maddie. They had a story together and then both went straight to sleep without a single problem. She's had such a fabulous day!!

Happy Christmas 2013 Blippers xx

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