Nativity 2013

4years 64days

Christmas Eve rocks!! We had use of the family hire car today, so we made a trip to the garden centre. They had a really lovely Christmas display including a band of dancing Santas. We gave in to "the eyes" when she requested to go see their Santa. There was an hour's wait so we went for a drink and snack. They made possibly the best babyccino she's had complete with a lot of spray cream and chocolate. The grotto was an outside mini wonderland before they went into a very lovely "Santa's house". She had a little conversation with Santa. She has now finally told Santa what she wants now (and thankfully the ones that she has also asked me for!)

We did a couple of little preChristmas delivering jobs before going back to Grandads. We ended up going back out again to give them an hour to put up the Christmas tree. We went to a different garden centre for another drink and a little look round some more pretty lights. We headed back to Grandads and quickly decorated the tree.

We went then to the Nativity service with my cousin. Katie was Angel Gabriel again. Mummy and my cousin were "stars" with power torches! And now the yearly gathering of the family has begun at GrannyGrandads. Happy Christmas Eve all!!

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