Very Happy Christmas

3years 65days

One thing Katie is well known for, on blip, Facebook and among my family and friends on "real life" is her insanely early risings. However, of course, the one morning it is socially accepted, normal, expected, even helpful, for her to rise early, she slept in until 745!

She was delightful when she came in to the lounge. She spotted that Santa had eaten his mince pie, drunk his Santa-drink, but she was quite upset that the reindeer had not eaten all of their carrot or water. It was only when we managed to convince her that they had left it to share with the rabbits that she would even consider opening a present. She opened a wooden fairy play land and wanted it setting up straight away. She had a good play with that before opening a game which we played straight away. She only opened 3 presents before we went to church, where we found uncle Simon.

We all returned for more present opening. She had a pettiskirt that she utterly loved- she is so good about my work things being for work but was delighted that this one was all hers. She got a little wooden dress the teddy set and spent a long time during Christmas lunch dressing the teddies. One of the biggest smiles though came for a watch that I had bought her- the one thing she desperately wanted. We had a really long play with the rabbits, giving them their Christmas big tunnel.

She loved the tomato soup starter, ate carrots by the serving spoon full, and for her dessert ate three plates full of custard. And discovered she doesn't this year like Christmas pudding.

Happy Christmas all of our dear blip friends.

In memory of Madison and Simon

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