St Georges Church, Poynton

We've spent the majority of the day in the car driving back home, but before we set off we went for a walk with Louis. It was only 3 degrees but lovely and sunny, and it was nice to get some exercise and fresh air after all the eating and drinking of the last few days.

We did a circuit of Poynton, the village where I grew up and where mum still lives - St Georges Church is in the centre of the village and was built in 1858. It was very quiet as everywhere was still closed because today is Boxing Day, which is another public holiday in the UK. Although, in the bigger towns the shops would have been open as today is traditionally the first day of the sales.

We left mum's at 12pm and didn't get home until about 5.30pm as the roads were very busy, plus we stopped half way to get something to eat and to swap over driving. So it feels good to be finally home, I've unpacked and have now got my feet up ready for a night in front of the TV.

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