Its all Christmasy

A lovely day has been spent.....

I made the deepest filled mince pies (a muffin tin appears to be all I have in the pie baking dept) resulting in the mince pies looking like a pork pies.....very very tasty once the brain registers sweet not savoury!

I iced the Christmas cake - my first ever homemade attempt. I really hope its ok because the amount of brandy preserving it means it'll be around forever if it doesn't get eaten! The icing went very smoothly, supervised by my mum via facetime. I was suitably impressed with the attempt, but have a slight concern at the excessive depth of icing. I feel a mildly diabetic Christmas coming on!

Wrapped pressies , fashionably and traditionally late.

Missing being with family, but am thankful for face time, skype and the phone.

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