A Happy Christmas

A Happy Christmas to one and all from His Lordship and me!
We are both sitting like force fed geese after a day of serious eating at a lovely restaurant in Buda with David and Luca. We tried to eat and drink Hungarian as far as possible, and my main dish of Töltött kaposztàja which translated is 'Mum's stuffed cabbage' seemed somehow very appropriate.

We exchanged gifts and were delighted with handmade chocolates from Luca, a toy soldier for Sandy and a miscellany of the things for me, that David and I both love, which will be blipped in due time.

We had a stroll back to the hotel in the gathering darkness with the buildings and bridges lit up and even the no 2 tram adorned with fairy lights. (Now that is an idea for Edinburgh to consider for next Christmas.)

We had a final drink in the hotel before saying the usual teary goodbye, but with the promise that they will come over to Scotland in the summer.

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