
By briocarioca

Market sights and sounds

Upped sticks from our Apart-hotel in Palermo Soho and moved to an even more delightful location in San Telmo. Had to hump our baggage for the last 15m as the street is closed on Sundays for the market. Looking down from our verandah, the stalls and throngs of people stretched way off into the distance, far as we could see in both directions.

A quick wander in the market before lunch, then an unplanned siesta, the only answer in this heat, lulled by the constant noise and music from the street.

Off to Recoleta in the evening for a singularly delicious dinner with Argentine friends, recently returned here after 32 years in Brazil. The company, food and wine were so good that we were taken aback to find that it was nearly 1 am when we climbed into our taxi - no wonder Jorge's 89-year-old mother was starting to feel tired!

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