A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


As expected, and planned, today has been all about tidying and sorting. The imminent arrival of guests means we have to turn places that are usually very much not sleeping places into just that. I think this annual purge is probably helpful and in some way good for us but it isn't half exhausting.

And we haven't even tackled the kids bedrooms; saving that joy for tomorrow with the promise of lunch out as reward for good behaviour. Also postponed as the kids lobbied hard and persuaded us that in honour of being the first day of the holidays they didn't want to do anything that might vaguely resemble a job.

To be fair the early part of the morning was the same as every week with the last dancing class's and football training of the year. I made it to my usual Pilates class and Carl had a workout too as football was dads vs lads. Apparently he made a very respectable show in goal; he certainly came home the muddier of the two. And now to move into evening mode and a night with the Strictly final.

Oh, and this is my lunch which has fuelled most of the above.

Lesley x

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