A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Comfort listening

Today was mainly lovely despite the inevitable slow start. Kids dropped off for last day of school followed by Friday morning coffee and chat. Home for a few hours of work and chasing missing presents. Then a lovely Christmas lunch before pick up. Home to fit in the bit of work I didn't quite manage to finish earlier only to be thrown off course by one of our neighbours coming around as there are some issues with our treehouse that we failed to anticipate. It was a little bit stressful for a while but actually turned out to be a great example of just facing up to things and straight talking from a place of wanting to do the right thing and I think we have a good solution that everyone is happy with. We live on such a lovely street with good community spirit and it would be so sad if that were ever to change. So lovely is our street that this evening found us at drinks at another neighbour's house.

Then home for Friday night curry and an early night with this. Thanks to the wonders of iPlayer. I'm not going to be bed quite that early!

And yes, this is an emergency blip.

Lesley x

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