A very busy day so that means a late night blip and a short one at that. I went to my sister's house today for a workout with her and then we touch up each other's hair color and enjoyed some lunch.
Her house is all decorated for Christmas. She hosts Christmas Eve each year for the whole family and we all look forward to it. I took a photo of her fireplace with her nutcracker display on her fireplace. You can see them better viewing them on the large setting.
We finished up at her house and we went shopping at a mall nearby to buy some gifts. After shopping we realized it how late it was and decided to stop for dinner. I didn't get home until 9 p.m. Between the workout and the shopping I am tired.
I'm trying to make up for slacking off with my exercise before my trip to Mexico. Kind of ridiculous to think I can cram it all in and get in shape before I go but at least I'll be on the right track for when I return. Besides, every little bit helps!
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