The Last Bits

Why do the last bits to buy always take the longest? I could have sworn I finished my Christmas shopping a few weeks ago but a quick parcel inventory last night revealed some glaring gaps.

Luckily Gemma was on hand 2-6pm to look after Audrey so after finishing off some work, I took myself off to the shops. It was military. A list by location and no browsing (for me, always my downfall) allowed.

With weary arms, I flopped into Wagamama's en route to the car and had an early tea and a much needed sit down with all my bags.

In other news, Audrey was up in the night with strange raspy breathing that scared the heebie-jeebies out of Angus and I. Lights went on and we brought her into our room for a full investigation. She didn't have a temperature or any other symptoms so it was very odd. She found the whole thing hilarious and started jumping on us both and hiding under the bed. We couldn't help but laugh at the contrast between our angst and her unbridled joy at being allowed up in the middle of the night.

Took her to the doctors for a once over this morning as breathing difficulties is not something I want to ignore. Felt a bit of waste of time as she checked out OK but doctor thinks it could possibly be the start of something so we'll keep an eye on her. We're probably being over-anxious parents. It's so hard not to be!

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