A Blip Drip Takes a Trip

I was standing at my bathroom window...well...I was standing at my bathroom window. A dozen small icicles have formed on the eaves trough. I studied them for 3,4,5 minutes...watching for drips.

Answer me this...you science people. Why is this little icicle the only one of the 12 that is dripping? It wasn't the shortest, and it was far from the longest. It wasn't the fattest, and was far from the thinnest. So...WHY is it the only one sending water to the ground? Huh? Huh? Huh?

I got my camera, and counted the drip sequence. 5-6 seconds between drips. I bumped up the speed a little, and started shooting. A Blip drip loses its grip. A Blip drip leaves the mother ship. A Blip drip jumps ship. A Blip drip lets it rip.

A hundred shots of icicle drips. Sad. I didn't bump up my speed enough to catch just one drip. Plus, my camera isn't fast enough to capture it anyway. So...this is six different drips in varying distances away from the mother icicle.

I wish it didn't, but one of the final scenes from the movie Titanic popped into my head. Jack talking to Rose...hanging on for dear life. " Rose...hang on for as long as you can. But, when we have to let go...it's going to be a long drop, and it's going to be cold. So...brace yourself. Stay by me Rose...stay by me!!!"

Makes me wonder if drips talk. "OK kid...you're next up. It's really not that bad. Sure...it's 2 stories...but it's a nice soft landing. I'll be right behind you kid. Ready? Ready? GOOOO!!!"


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