Fine Equine at Fenceline

It was a horse kind of day. I saw 20-30 of them, but these 3 came to the fence to see me. Wish I would have had some baby carrots, so they could have drooled all over my hand.

It was also the holiday open house at my wife's nursing home. The big man was coming. Santa...Kris Kringle...St. Nick...Father Christmas...Papa Noel.

We all had our fingers crossed after last years debacle. I blipped Merrick last year as he met Santa. He didn't want any part of the jolly old elf.

This year...I think he realizes that his behavior with Santa just might determine how much "stuff" he gets. Plus...he's been prepping himself with his parents help. He even has a Santa pillowcase.

I put those pictures on my Flickr page. As my wife says..."He's so cute!" (Of course...neither one of us is prejudiced.)

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